Tax Certification Course

Course Objectives:

By completing this course, the student will accomplish the following:
Recognize how the policies and procedures in Circular 230 regulate all tax prepares. Realize the potential market in the immigrant workforce for tax preparation. Learn the latest tax law changes. Understand how the business entity type affects the taxpayer’s tax liability.

  • Part I, Ethics: covers the moral and ethical issues in making decisions when preparing a tax return. Paid preparers make decisions every day when preparing tax returns.
  • Part II, “Federal Tax Law”, covers intermediate to advanced federal tax law. This portion of the class focuses on the finer points of “Business Income”, “Offers in Compromise”, and “Serving the Immigrant Taxpayer."
  • Part III, “California Tax Law”, covers intermediate topics related to state tax law such as how California handles Business Income, Taxpayer Penalties, the differences between federal and Californian tax law, and much more.
  • Part IV, Adapt: Changing information in the landscape